
Feel free to download our information leaflets.

  • A Faith Worth Thinking About

    The Unitarians are a spiritual community who encourage you to think for yourself and everyone has the right to seek truth and meaning for themselves.

  • Unitarian Views of God

    Freedom of belief, and our ability to draw on our unique resources of experience, influences and thought, mean that there can be no one Unitarian view of God.

  • Unitarian Views of Nature

    A major principle of Unitarianism is the right of the individual to follow the guidance of the spirit. For many this means a closer identification with nature-oriented theology.

  • Namings and Welcomings

    In the lives of all human beings there are important events which call for a celebration. Since the earliest days of human communities the birth of children has been celebrated by parents, families and friends.

  • Weddings and Blessings

    A Unitarian service is becoming such a popular way to celebrate this important act. We believe each person can determine their own religious beliefs, there are no tests to pass, and no ‘right answers’.

  • Funeral and Memorial Services

    Unitarian officiants will respect the wishes of the deceased and exclude what many see as traditional religious language and reflect the person’s life rather than speculating on any unknown future.