Our Gatherings

The Deeside and Donside Unitarian Fellowship offers a calendar of monthly Reflective Gatherings which mark:

The changing seasons and cycles of the Earth.

The feasts and fasts of different world religions.

Occasions and festivals from the wider human heritage such as Human Rights Day and World AIDS Day.

The lives and events which have a special place in human history and spiritual development.

Up and coming Gatherings

SUNDAY 4TH JUNE at 4PM - the Stone Circle at Midmar for a Summer Solstice gathering and picnic.

SUNDAY 6TH AUGUST at 4PM -  ‘Forest Bathing’ in the wood at Drum Catle and picnic.

 SUNDAY 10TH SEPTEMBER at 4PM – ‘Appreciating the Harvest’ in an Aberdeen allotment.

 SUNDAY 1ST OCTOBER – ‘Storytelling’ (time and venue to be advised).

 FRIDAY 17TH NOVEMBER at 7PM – ‘Remembering’, at the Acorn Centre, Inverurie.

 SATURDAY 9TH DECEMBER at 7PM – a social gathering (an Indian meal, venue to be advised).

It will take place in the Chapel Room at The Acorn Centre in Inverurie.